Friday, October 23, 2009

The Geese Family (8) Growing Up

Two weeks later. The photographer run into the geese family again in the park. Ah, the six "ugly ducklings" already became strong young adult geese. The Canadian geese' typical black and white stripe started to appear on their faces, and their bodies were covered by new grey feathers. It looks like the dream of flying will come true soon.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Geese Family (7) Oh, The Ugly Ducklings!

Some more weeks passed. One day, the photographer met the geese family again in the park.

"Hi! my dear photographer, aren't they adorable beautiful creatures, those handsome little guys?" Turning his head to the photographer, the geese dad greeting the photographer happily.

Sure, the six youngsters grew bigger than adult ducks. But, are they beautiful? It is an embarrassing period that their soft hair were gone, but the feather were not come out yet...

"Hey, don't worry, we are happy and our curiosity and knowledge is growing!"

"Yes, look at our mom, sooner or later we will have her beautiful look".

Then the family walked across the trail, jumped into the pool, and continued enjoying their happy day.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Geese Family (6) A Lunch in The Pool

Though our regular food is grass, it's nice to try human being's food occasionally. Like today, racing for bread, it may like your basketball game. But our rule is simple: whoever gets the food is the winner.

Now I have to concertrate... the bread will fly to us soon! Hey, look at my brother, so devoted to the game that he forgets the manner totally! Man, the photographer is taking pictures! Hummn, I'm more proud of my sisters. They behave like elegant ladies.

I really admire my parents, they are the best parents among the geese. When it's time to eat, they would rather prefer to stay at back to protect us from those ducks and let us eat first.

"Mom, look at my new bally pose!" My sister is showing off her new skills after the happy lunch.

When everyone is done, we'll continue our training under dad's command. Look, what a great team we are! See you later.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Geese Family (5) The Handsome Young Geese

Two weeks later.

Look, is this the photographer we met last time? Hey, focus here! Handsome boys are the back!

Look, I walk like a hero, quick than the breeze.

"Left-Right-Left", It's time for swimming.

Now, a swimming game is started! Look, am I a creative diver?

Tired of playing in water, then we would enjoy the sunshine in the lawn, and day dreaming. Hope someday I could get a pair of strong wings just like dad has.

Excuse us, we have to run now: the little girl there is feeding us with delicious bread. See you later!